A few weeks ago, I received a bottle of Cinnamon Supplements from Health Express to try. At the time, I had no idea what it was for. I mean, I know it’s a spice used for cooking and baking… even for creating home fragrances. I liked it on my food and drink, but I didn’t…
Benefit They’re Real Mascara Review
For today I’m sharing my experience with Benefit They’re Real Mascara. I’ve used a lot of different kinds of mascara in the past. In fact I remember playing with my aunt’s mascara when I was a little girl. It was sticky, clumpy, and difficult to apply. That said, I’m simply amazed at how far mascara…
Etude House Drawing Show Creamy Liner
I love Korean beauty products. They’re reasonably priced in general and they deliver what they promise. This is especially true in the case of Etude House. Etude House products are sold here in the Philippines at prices close to the Korean SRP (Suggested Retail Price). Anyhow, the good folks over at Etude House Philippines sent…
Doll eyes the Japanese way with K-Palette!
It was a rainy afternoon last July 17, 2012 when I trooped to Beauty Bar in Greenbelt 5 for the K-Palette Philippines blogger event. Normally, I would not even think of going out in such weather but this particular day was special. K-Palette Philippines had flown in Japanese make-up artist Noriko Imura to conduct a…
On contest addicts and so-called professional contestants…
Don’t let the title put you off. I’m not posting negative things about contest joiners or anything of the sort. I have nothing against people who want to win. I used to be hopelessly addicted to contests myself. From late 2007 to early 2009, I would spend ALL my free time scouring newspapers, magazines, and…