Today I’m sharing something my daughter and I cooked up over the weekend. We made Lady’s Choice Chicken BBQ Shawarma! I got a set of Lady’s Choice sandwich recipes a couple of months back. I remember praying please let me be assigned the easy no-cook one hahahaha! Well, I’ve been cooking full meals for over a…
Unboxing the BDJ Box Elite September 2016
To be honest, I haven’t seen a BDJ Box in months. I have way too much stuff to sort through. It doesn’t help that I’m a serial shopper. I’ve already bought 2 Kylie Lip Kits from a friend of a friend. Then I had to hoard some Too Faced makeup stuff from Sephora Malaysia. Anyhow all…
BLK 513 SM North EDSA
So I decided to make last Saturday errands day so my daughter and I could drop by the newly opened BLK 513 SM North EDSA. I’ve been seeing a lot of #DarkSkimFrozenYogurt and #DarkSkimDetox on my social networking feeds. BLK 513 makes dark-colored frozen yogurt. I really wanted to see for myself what the fuss was…
Benefit Puff Off Review
If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’d know that I have a preference for Korean and Japanese cosmetic products. Now that’s not to say I’m not open to western brands. I am. I just love all things beauty! But every once in a while, a product so wonderful comes along I just feel…
Chilling with Starbucks Teavana
Most people know Starbucks as a coffee place. It’s where people line up for rich, creamy, super sinful, and drool-worthy frappuccinos. Did you know that it’s now a go-to place for tea time too? Starbucks recently launched Starbucks Teavana, their new line of bagged teas. Starbucks comes in six (6) variants, but we were able to…