If there’s one thing everybody in our house loves is cheese… and chips! Cheese-flavored potato chips anyone? Lol. Not exactly the healthiest fare when we go buy a big bag of those and sit in front of our TV binge-watching some Netflix series. So when presented with the challenge to cook something with Real California…
Red Door Kitchen for the best food delivery!
I think I’ve tried just about every kind of food delivery service. I’ve had everything delivered from diet food to fast food to restaurant food (Mr. Choi Kitchen anyone?). For many years I refused to try my hand at cooking so my answer to helper-less days was either to order in or eat out. That…
Presenting… the Happy Skin Sanrio Collection!
When I was a little girl, my mom would take me to Gift Gate in Shopesville. I’d buy Sanrio stuff — pencils, erasers, stationery, stickers… I loved all the Sanrio characters. My favorite was Little Twin Stars. There was just something magical about them, perched on the moon, the clouds, and the stars. I’m now…
Tupperware Go Flex Review + Giveaway!
If there’s one thing we can’t get enough of in the kitchen it’s containers. We put everything in them — leftover food, stuff we baked, unused ingredients, baon, etc. There’s never enough. Unfortunately, we don’t have unlimited space and these containers do occupy quite a bit of space. But what if we could actually flatten…
Dear Diet Delivery Review
Last August 29, I started my 1200 calorie delivery meal plan with Dear Diet Delivery. I found them while checking out diet delivery services online. When I visited their Facebook Page I was surprised they had a promo wherein I would pay only P6,480 for 4 weeks. That came out to just P324 a day….