So many products in the market promise to instantly whiten skin. But the question is, do they work? It’s so easy to make the claim. That said, I was skeptical when I attended the Seoul White Korea launch. I already have fair skin to begin with so it’s kind of hard to see if whitening…
Scout’s Honor Cub Scout’s Cookies for Christmas
It’s a yearly tradition for hubby and I to go to Century City Mall during the Shopaholic Weekend to shop for Christmas gifts. You get anywhere from 10% to 20% rebate in the form of Century City Mall GCs if you spend at least P10,000 in accumulated purchases. You even get the rebate if you…
The Art of Letting Go
Last October 31, my teenage son went on a school trip to China. He was to stay there with classmates and teachers for 6 weeks. This is the first time he’s traveling without us. Hubby and I made sure he brought enough warm clothes since it gets freezing cold in China this time of the…
Happy Holidays with Big Guys Pizza!
Our son just got back from a 6-week school trip to China last night. How nice of Big Guys Pizza to send over this gigantic welcoming gift — a 36″ pizza with all the best flavors! It’s soooo BIG I just had to take a video. Yummy! I don’t know how on Earth we’re going…
Cebu Lechon on the go with Porky Pit
Lechon is always at the heart of what seems like every Filipino celebration. No surprise — Lechon (Roast Pig) is a sinfully delicious dish that’s loved by all. The crispy skin lined with a layer of fat plus the tender meat is a dream to partake of. However, not all Lechon are created equal. Cebu…