Kracie Dear Beaute Himawari Gloss and Repair seems to be the newest variant in the Himawari hair care line. Released only this year, these lightweight hair care products are specially formulated to impart shine and restore smoothness to dull and dry hair. Everything in the Himawari line contains sunflower oil which moisturize, repair, and protect…
Kokoro Japanese Grindz Review
Some days ago, my daughter got off from school in time for lunch. We decided to try Kokoro Japanese Grindz along Tomas Morato. It’s supposedly a Japanese Hawaiian fusion restaurant. It’s quite literally a hole in the wall since you won’t really see it if you’re driving along Tomas Morato. Somehow my hubby had heard…
Celeteque Pore Tightening Serum Review
Okay, so I got a few boxes of Celeteque Pore Tightening Serum (P895) for review. I’m interested because normally products that minimize pores are marketed to younger people. This one however, is marked as Advanced Anti-Aging. That certainly caught my attention. For some reason, even if I’m in my 40s, I still have enlarged pores…
What is the TRAIN Law and why are my favorite drinks priced higher?
Ever since Duterte became president, my Facebook feed has been full of politically motivated posts. His presidency has been controversial and eventful to say the least. Of all the topics surrounding his administration, the TRAIN Law probably has the most direct effect on me since I pretty much manage the household. So here’s the deal…
Beksul Hotcake Mix Review
My daughter loves hotcakes. The problem is, none of the local mixes, except for Rustic Mornings Original Buttermilk Pancake Mix, is any good (for us anyway). One time I tried checking Shopee for imported hotcake mixes. There were a lot of Japanese and Korean mixes — Morinaga, Showa, Ottogi, etc. I’ve been buying and trying…