Hubby, kids, and I managed to catch Alice in Wonderland at Power Plant Mall’s newly opened XpanD 3D Cinema last Sunday.
Boo boo on my part, I didn’t know that it was Pacquiao vs. Clottey that same day so when I tried to get Alice tickets for Cinema 6 before noon, the lady told me that I can’t get them yet because what time Alice starts will be determined by what time Pacquiao vs. Clottey ends. They set it for 2:45pm tentatively, but it was still anybody’s guess and so I had to go back after the bout for our Alice tickets. Fortunately, Pacquiao vs. Clottey concluded well before the slated Alice screening and so we were able to get 2:45pm tickets. I was immediately impressed by the XpanD 3D glasses which were handed to me inside a sealed plastic bag. Power Plant Cinema 3D screening tickets cost P300 a pop.

After the movie, the four of us proceeded to Quirks Novelties and Curiosities, a quaint little shop selling unique gift items. Quirks was giving away 50 wonderland prizes to movie goers who watch Alice in Wonderland 3D. All you have to do is surrender your ticket in order to pick a prize from the fish bowl. Out of the four of us though, I was the only one who won. I got a Duckie coin bank, hehe.