Credit cards offer numerous perks. They bring us convenience, rewards points that we can use later on, and the ability to make a purchase even when funds are low. However, navigating the world of credit cards can also be daunting… especially when it comes to understanding the various fees and charges associated with them. These…
Category: Finance
Thriving Solo: Practical Tips and Life Hacks for Living Alone
One-person households were once a rarity in the Philippines. But today, changing demographics have made them a common phenomenon, accounting for 9.2% of the total number of households in 2017. Changing values, rising incomes, and smaller overall family sizes have coincided to not only make single living more appealing to a wider group of Filipinos,…
How a commercial lawyer can help start your business
Maybe you have a groundbreaking idea, or perhaps you’ve been dreaming of being your own boss for years. Whatever the reason may be, diving into entrepreneurship requires careful planning and consideration to ensure long-term success. When laying the foundation for your business, legal considerations should not be overlooked. In today’s highly litigious society, having a…
Post-pandemic Budgeting and Personal Finance
My pre-pandemic self was all about material things. If I was spending money, I should be getting something tangible for it… and boy, did I love buying expensive designer items. Aside from the fact that they were nice to have and I could very well afford them, we have to admit owning and using such…
What is happening to Citibank Credit Card?
Our Citibank Credit Card was the first principal-supplementary card we got when my husband and I got married. We’ve been married for over 20 years so you can imagine just how long we’ve been using our Citibank Credit Card. All this time there has NEVER been a fraudulent charge. That is, until Citibank left the…